2016年(平成28年)のセンター試験の英語問題で長く複雑な英文について これは、私にとって一番難しかった英文の一つです。 英文 So, if we need to have the same behavior for group membership, does that mean those who are not the same aren't members of their cultural group? 構造1 So, (文: if we need to have the same behavior for group membership), (文: does that mean those who are not the same aren't members of their cultural group?) 構造2 So, (文: (接続詞: if) we need to have the same behavior for group membership), (文: does that mean (文: those who are not the same aren't members of their cultural group) ? ) 構造3 So, (文: (接続詞: if) (S:we) (V:need) (O:不定詞: to have the same behavior for group membership)), (文: (V:does) (S: that) (V: mean) (文: (S: those who are not the same) (V: aren't) (C: members of their cultural group)) ? ) 構造4 So, (文: (接続詞: if) (S:we) (V:need) (O:不定詞: to (V: have) (...