センター英語r02r AB選択問題の解き方
大学入試センター試験 英語 令和2年(2020年)1月 追試験の AB選択問題の解き方
C 次の問い(問1~3)の会話が最も適切なやりとりとなるように[24] ~[26] を埋めるには,(A)と(B)をどのように組み合わせればよいか,それぞれ下の(1)~(8)のうちから一つずつ選べ。
問1 Miwa: I've decided to take dance lessons once a week to improve my
Rick: That's a good idea. I wish I had more time to exercise.
Miwa: Didn't you work out all the time?
Rick: Well, I [24]. I'm too busy with my kids.
(A) couldn't (A) exercise every day, (A) but now I can
(B) used to (B) work overtime, (B) but now I can't
(1) (A)→(A)→(A) (2) (A)→(A)→(B) (3) (A)→(B)→(A)
問2 Clark: The party last weekend was great! You must have been really
busy with all the preparations.
Chiaki: Thanks! We had to make a long shopping list so we could
remember what to get.
Clark: It sounds like you had a lot to buy.
Chiaki: Yes, and after all that, we [25] for the kids. Luckily, Lois
brought other things to drink.
(A) forgot (A) buying (A) lemonade
(B) remembered (B) to buy (B) paper plates
(1) (A)→(A)→(A) (2) (A)→(A)→(B) (3) (A)→(B)→(A)
問3 Detective: I heard you caught the guy who stole the diamonds from
the jewelry store.
Police officer: Yeah, we recognized his face on that night's video from
the security camera.
Detective: Did he confess?
Police officer: Well, at first he claimed he was in a bar all night. But
after seeing himself on the video, he [26]. And he even
cooperated with the investigation by telling us where he had
hidden the stolen diamonds.
(A) reluctantly admitted (A) he had been in the bar (A) all day
(B) strongly insisted (B) he had broken into the store (B) around midnight
(1) (A)→(A)→(A) (2) (A)→(A)→(B) (3) (A)→(B)→(A)
C 次の問い(問1~3)の会話が最も適切なやりとりとなるように[24] ~[26] を埋めるには,(A)と(B)をどのように組み合わせればよいか,それぞれ下の(1)~(8)のうちから一つずつ選べ。
問1 Miwa: I've decided to take dance lessons once a week to improve my
Rick: That's a good idea. I wish I had more time to exercise.
Miwa: Didn't you work out all the time?
Rick: Well, I [24]. I'm too busy with my kids.
(A) couldn't (A) exercise every day, (A) but now I can
(B) used to (B) work overtime, (B) but now I can't
(1) (A)→(A)→(A) (2) (A)→(A)→(B) (3) (A)→(B)→(A)
(4) (A)→(B)→(B) (5) (B)→(A)→(A) (6) (B)→(A)→(B)
(7) (B)→(B)→(A) (8) (B)→(B)→(B)
(A) できなかった (A) 毎日練習する (A) しかし、今、私はできる
(B) したものだ (B) 標準時間以上に働く (B) しかし、今、私はできない
busy with all the preparations.
Chiaki: Thanks! We had to make a long shopping list so we could
remember what to get.
Clark: It sounds like you had a lot to buy.
Chiaki: Yes, and after all that, we [25] for the kids. Luckily, Lois
brought other things to drink.
(A) forgot (A) buying (A) lemonade
(B) remembered (B) to buy (B) paper plates
(1) (A)→(A)→(A) (2) (A)→(A)→(B) (3) (A)→(B)→(A)
(4) (A)→(B)→(B) (5) (B)→(A)→(A) (6) (B)→(A)→(B)
(7) (B)→(B)→(A) (8) (B)→(B)→(B)
the jewelry store.
Police officer: Yeah, we recognized his face on that night's video from
the security camera.
Detective: Did he confess?
Police officer: Well, at first he claimed he was in a bar all night. But
after seeing himself on the video, he [26]. And he even
cooperated with the investigation by telling us where he had
hidden the stolen diamonds.
(A) reluctantly admitted (A) he had been in the bar (A) all day
(B) strongly insisted (B) he had broken into the store (B) around midnight
(1) (A)→(A)→(A) (2) (A)→(A)→(B) (3) (A)→(B)→(A)
(4) (A)→(B)→(B) (5) (B)→(A)→(A) (6) (B)→(A)→(B)