frank or obedient (率直と従順)
A Japanese word, "su-na-o" has two meanings. The first meaning is frank. It is that his/her opinions are not twisted, not crooked, not perverse, not devious, not wry. The second meaning is obeydient to other people.
Extremely speaking, the first is that he/she is obeydient to his/her own feeling but he/she will need to discuss the difference with other people. The second is that he/she stops of his/her thinking and he/she may be able to get food but the heart will not satisfied.
Adults in Japanese usually say to younger, "You should be 'su-na-o'." I always got it is the first meaning. So I always spoke my result of choice because I wanted people to know my heart. Imediately, there was a discussion. Sometimes the discussion changed into an argument. It spent long time. But to shorten the discussion time, it's better to be more frank and I would have to say the original reason, why I selected the result of choice from many options.
I became an old man. I have time review my life. I noticed that most of adults in Japan said it with the second meaning. They simply thought "The boy, you must obey me."
There are quotes.
If everyone were clothed with integrity, if every heart were just, frank, kindly, the other virtues would be well-nigh useless. Moliere
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One must be frank to be relevant. Corazon Aquino
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誰もが誠実を纏えば、皆の心が公正で、率直で、親切ならば、他の美徳はほとんど必要でないでしょう。 モリエール
密接な関係を持つには、率直でなければなりません。 コラソンアキーノ)
Extremely speaking, the first is that he/she is obeydient to his/her own feeling but he/she will need to discuss the difference with other people. The second is that he/she stops of his/her thinking and he/she may be able to get food but the heart will not satisfied.
Adults in Japanese usually say to younger, "You should be 'su-na-o'." I always got it is the first meaning. So I always spoke my result of choice because I wanted people to know my heart. Imediately, there was a discussion. Sometimes the discussion changed into an argument. It spent long time. But to shorten the discussion time, it's better to be more frank and I would have to say the original reason, why I selected the result of choice from many options.
I became an old man. I have time review my life. I noticed that most of adults in Japan said it with the second meaning. They simply thought "The boy, you must obey me."
There are quotes.
If everyone were clothed with integrity, if every heart were just, frank, kindly, the other virtues would be well-nigh useless. Moliere
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One must be frank to be relevant. Corazon Aquino
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誰もが誠実を纏えば、皆の心が公正で、率直で、親切ならば、他の美徳はほとんど必要でないでしょう。 モリエール
密接な関係を持つには、率直でなければなりません。 コラソンアキーノ)