センター英語h31r 追試 AB選択問題の解き方
大学入試センター試験 英語 平成31年 追・再試験の AB選択問題の解き方 C 次の問い(問1~3)の会話が最も適切なやりとりとなるように[24] ~ [26] を埋めるには,(A)と(B)をどのように組み合わせればよいか,それぞれ下 の(1)~(8)のうちから一つずつ選べ。 問1 Mark: Our psychology class today was definitely the most difficult so far. Jennifer: Yeah, I agree. But last week I found a website that explains the content of our textbook. Mark: Really? Tell me more. I'm worried I won't be able to do well on the test. Jennifer: I'll send you the address. I think it covers all the important points from our textbook. [24] It's really useful. Don't worry. We'll be fine! (A) I failed to (A) keep up with today's lecture (A) thanks to the textbook. (B) I managed to (B) pass the final exam (B) thanks to the website. (1) (A)→(A) →(A) (2) (A)→(A) →(B) (3) (A)→(B) →(A) (4) (A)→(B) →(B) (5) (B)→(A) →(A) (6) (B)→(A) →(B) (7) (B)→(B) →(A) (8) (B)→(B) →(B) [ダヨ訳] マーク:私たちの心理学の教室...