センター英語h28追試 関係代名詞と省略接続詞のthat
センター試験 英語 平成28年 追試問題 ちょっと気になった英文の説明です。 [英文] Is there any other information that you think is important for our students to know? [構文1] (V:Is) (S:there) (C:any other information (that you think is important for our students to know))? [構文2] (V:Is) (S:there) (C:(any other information) ((関係代名詞:that) (you think is important for our students to know) ) )? [構文3] (V:Is) (S:there) (C: (any other information) ( (関係代名詞:that) ( (S:you) (V:think) [省略接続詞:that] ( (V:is) (C:important) (for our students) (to know)) ) ) )? [文分解] 動詞が3個あるから、三つの文に分かれる。 Is there any other information? You think that. that = "the information is important for our students to know" "the information" = "any other information" [高速訳] Is there any other information / that / you think / is important...