大学入試センター試験(2015/h27年)の追試で出た難しい英文 "and"のつながりが判り難い、英文例である。 [原文] At the same time, we have a basic desire to see the world around us as predictable and ourselves as able to understand events and situations, even in advance. [構造] {At the same time} , {we have a basic desire to see the world around us as predictable and ourselves as able to understand events and situations} , {even in advance} . {At the same time} , {we have a basic desire { to see the world around us as predictable } and ourselves as able to understand events and situations } , {even in advance} . 「"and"が何と何を結びつけているのかが難しい」 ------- もし、and 以下が無いと簡単、つまり {At the same time} , {we have a basic desire { to see the world around us as predictable } } , {even in advance} . を詳しく見て 高速訳 をつけると {At the same time} , 同時に、 {S:we V:have O:{a basic desire} { to V:see O:{the world around us} {as predictable} } } , 私たちは、基本的欲求を持つ、見るという、私たちの...