試験で、緊張のあまり上がってしまい、なにも書けない、なんてことがあっては困ります。 英語で対策方法が、紹介されていたので、引用して紹介します。 引用元 CNN Student news, October 25, 2013 ここから引用 But you can make test-taking a little less stress-making by following a few tips: first, expect a little stress. That doesn`t sound like much help, but look, the test is important to you, you want to do well, a little nervousness is natural. Don`t let that psyche you out. Just focus on what you showed up to do and remember that it can`t last forever. Speaking of showing up, do that a little early. Don`t be rushed getting to the test location. It will up your stress before you arrive. The night before the test, make sure you have your stuff packed, gas in the car, the right bus schedule or a dependable ride. You`ll have fewer problems getting to the test venue and getting focused. Before you walk out that door, though, have something to eat, and yes, I`m preaching fruits and vegetables: heavy foods with a lot of fat can slow you down. So pizza is out, bu...